What BS5837 Arboriculural Surveys include:
These surveys involve surveying trees on site to assess their condition. Its aim is to provide architects and planners with information on what’s present in order to give guidance on how to protect
trees and achieve successful planning permission.

Our surveys include all the necessary information required by a Local Planning Authority to support a development planning application.

The BS5837 Survey will involve a site visit and appropriate assessments to establish tree condition
and dimensions including RPA (Root Protection Area) measurements.

Tree Constraints Plans
A Tree Constraints Plan is a map that shows the limitations of a site for development due to the existing trees present. It shows the above ground constraints (tree canopy) and the below ground constraints (Root Protection Areas, RPAs).

As part of a BS5837 Survey trees are plotted on a Tree Constraints Plan with their canopy spreads and RPAs illustrated.

This provides architects and planners detailed information on the tree constraints present, to direct the best approach forward in order to gain successful planning consent and protect and promote the arboricultural value of the site.

Once your architect has a Tree Constraints Plan, they will use the information provided to design
the development.

Arboricultural Impact Assessment
An Arboricultural Impact Assessment assesses the effects of a proposal on trees on a site. It is often required (but not always) as part of the planning process to accompany a planning application.

Included in an Arboricultural Impact Assessment are details on how tree roots and crowns would be affected by a development. It assesses the impacts and provides protection solutions if necessary.

Various measures can be specified to help protect trees during construction and manage trees in relation to buildings and structures, including;

Ground protection, temporary and permanent
Protective fencing
Root barriers
Specialist foundations

We are able to offer comprehensive Arboricultural Impact Assessments for development sites, which provide advice and guidance on gaining successful planning consent.

Arboricultural Method Statement
Arboricultural Method Statements are not always required to accompany planning applications, but are sometimes requested.

We are able to provide full arboricultural methodologies which outline the step by step processes which ensure tree protection. It includes installation of measures and guidelines for site monitoring.

Tree Protection Plan
A Tree Protection Plan is a map that includes details of protective measures that would need to be used/ carried out in order for the development to be successful in negating any detrimental effects to retained trees.

It aims to illustrate information described in the Arboricultural Impact Assessment to guide construction operators on carrying out neccessary tree protection and promotion.

Mitigation Planting Support
To support a successful planning application, it may be necessary to supply details of mitigation planting.

If this is the case, we can produce landscaping scheme plans which include species, positions
and appropriate planting requirements.